Joining the Academy of Handmade offers several benefits, including what's below and special offers that are exclusive to our members. 

  • $500+ in exclusive discounts offered by other members and supporters to members (see below)
  • Advice and encouragement from other professional makers through our exclusive forums
  • Monthly online expert hangouts that are archived so you can watch even if you couldn't be on live
  • Membership badge that can be displayed on your digital media outlets!
  • Discounted ticket and priority invite to the AHAS Awards Ceremony
  • Free nominations for and exclusive ability to vote for the AHAS Awards
  • Discounts on all AHAS workshops and events
  • Promotion and acknowledgement on the Academy of Handmade Members page
  • Annual members meeting lets you give input on organization direction 
  • Satisfaction from knowing your dues are going to activities that celebrate, support and connect the handmade community

Exclusive Offers

Click on the images below and hover over the logo to see the exclusive offers from our wonderful supporters!