

A mentor that's not a guru but an extremely helpful friend.


Ever try to apply what you've learned on your own in business? There's a lot of internal dialogue that mostly sounds like, "Am I doing this right?"

A lot of knowledge is never acted upon because we are unsure if we are implementing it correctly. That's why we created a program where you can ask all the clarifying questions you have IN REAL TIME.

There are two editions of this program:

  • a 4-week condensed course focused on preparing for the holidays (summer launch)
  • an 8-week big picture course focused on the foundations of a maker business (February launch)

If you're interested in the program make sure to get on our interest list that is specific to this program even if you're already on our regular newsletter.  



Answers to Your Questions!

You are probably wondering about the details of how this will work and we want to make sure we've covered everything.

Who is this program for?

It's geared toward makers with 0-3 years of business or identify as Hobby or Jobby based on the Maker Business Type quiz. TAKE THE QUIZ HERE. If you are trying to dial in your holiday game, you'll get to do that with someone who has "been there, done that."

If your product is not 100% handmade that's fine, but just know that a lot of the experiences of the mentors and the curriculum will be focused around people who make, as well as sell, their product. 

Who are the friendtors?

Seasoned maker business owners who have been around anywhere from 2-15 years. Their photos a little bit about them is below if you scroll down.

What if I don't like my Friendtor?

We've got loads of experience matchmaking here, but on occasion their is more to overcome than makes sense. We do everything in our power to make every situation right and handle it on a case by case basis. That said, not all friendtors and friendtees will be BFFs or hit it off right off the bat. We've seen it before and it usually takes a little time to warm up or you've got to do a little adjusting of expectations. Sometimes, the people most different from us can give us the best perspective!

If I do the holiday friendtorship, can I also do the regular one in the winter?

YES! They are two different programs and you will be assigned a different friendtor.

Why am I paying for this?

This program used to be included in our paid membership, which we have disbanded. It includes time spent wrangling and training mentors, creating a curriculum, paying the mentors a stipend for participating, ongoing access to our private community and programming, and helps keep us in business so we can offer unique programming like this. :) Seriously, we don't know anyone else offering a program like this for makers and we know how invaluable this kind of support can be.


"I'm soooo glad that I met my mentor and finally started speaking 'business' with someone who understands. I loved the great insight she had and the module questions were great prompts for some insightful conversations." -Kendra, mentee

"I loved receiving advice from my mentor. She was coming from a standpoint of experience with her own business and got me to think about things to help my business I wouldn't have otherwise thought about." -Kimberly, mentee

When you have a holiday mentor-- a person who has "been there" and "done that"-- you get the support you need to help you succeed during on of the busiest, craziest and most critical times of the year.


We've assembled a stellar crew of seasoned makers who want to help YOU prep for the holidays. They can't come to your studio and to the work for you, BUT they will be there with advice, a listening ear and maybe a shoulder to cry on (hey, it happens!).

We will pair friendtors (them) and their friendtees (you!) based on a combination of:

  • Location
  • Years in business
  • Type of business
  • Your stated preference (if you have one)

You might also have one or two other friendtees that you meet with each week. This is based on a lot of factors, but we think that there is great value in being with other peers who are on the same journey.