product management

Productivity Tools for Makers with Katie Nolan of Katie Nolan Creative

Productivity Tools for Makers with Katie Nolan of Katie Nolan Creative

The gift and the curse of owning your own business is being able to decide when and how you work. While it can be freeing, it also completely falls on you how much gets done and when. Have you ever felt like you could be more productive but don't know how?

Today I'm excited to share with you #ahasmember Katie Nolan's (of Katie Nolan Creative and Tick Tock Press) favorite productivity tools and systems to help you use your time more effectively and getting more done each day. These are resources she uses in her own successful maker business!

Wonderland Organics: Keeping Track of Supplies

Wonderland Organics: Keeping Track of Supplies

Making a nice profit on your product can often be the result of good product management versus just buying and storing supplies willy nilly. When you have your supplies organized, it's much easier to control your costs and understand where your money is going. It also keeps you from running out of supplies right before a big run.