Are You Killing Your Craft Show Vibe? Part 1

I don't like to brag, but we have AWESOME members. I mean seriously quality people. One of our first members, Miriam Dema, is as veteran as it gets on the modern craft show circuit. So, she's pretty much got it down when it comes to mastering how to prep and be present at markets. Her strategies for staying sane are smart, thoughtful and some are atypical. We asked her to share them with you in this three-part series. 

I have a few things that help me to have a good show and stay in a good frame of mind! None of this has to do with stock or merchandise, which is a whole other set of planning. Shows are HARD. Loading your car full of tables and merchandise and then hauling it into a different show each time is HARD. For an artist that may spend most of their time holed up in the studio making things to go to talking to strangers all day is HARD. Smiling all day is HARD work. ;)

So here is the first thing I do to help me to stay healthy in both spirit and body: Make a Plan

Miriam's booth at Unique LA

Miriam's booth at Unique LA

Usually when the show sends out their vendor kit or show details I review the layout, where my booth is and where useful stuff like bathrooms and the DJ are. This is usually when I make a plan for my booth-- design the layout and make a plan for any changes or booth supplies I might need.

Sadly, no two shows seem to be the same, so I always try to review this stuff as soon as I can. I also try to imagine how much help I might need and make a plan for that as well, I try to do shows by myself but sometimes I'll need help-- like setting up a pop-up tent or driving out of town.

The week of the show I make a list of things that need to be packed and make sure my plan from above is still working out or if I need to make modifications. I put my merch, my supplies, my booth set up and my lunch on the list. Once I'm loaded in and all set up in my booth or space I review a list of day-of to-do's to make sure I'm still on target. This way I haven't forgotten to put something out or forgotten signage. All of the details are important and it helps me to not forget things if I rely on lists.

How do you keep a good mental state at shows? Comment below! 

Like this post? Make sure to check out part two of this series