
How to Prepare to Attend a Creative Live Course in Person

How to Prepare to Attend a Creative Live Course in Person

We think bettering yourself as a business owner through education is a smart move. One of our favorite places for top-notch handmade business education is CreativeLive* (friends of ours like Katie Hunt, Nicole Stevenson, Erin Dollar and Robert Mahar have done excellent ones, as well!). One of the best things about it? You're able to watch the live classes (and the re-runs!) for free. You can also totally be part of their live audience and one of our members Richelle of redscorpio has been several times. She shares what it's like and how to prepare for it.

Meet 2016 Master Maker Robert Mahar

Meet 2016 Master Maker Robert Mahar

It is always an immeasurable pleasure when you meet a person who is equally talented as they are nice-- Robert Mahar is very talented and very nice! That is why I am so excited to introduce you to our 2016 Master Maker presented by CreativeLive.

The Master Maker is someone we choose who we can hold up as someone to emulate. Robert has had a generous and devoted career to creativity-- building communities, teaching his craft(s) and supporting other makers at every opportunity. I hope you read on and are inspired by one of the finest people in our community.

Megan Auman's CreativeLive: Worth the Investment?

Megan Auman's CreativeLive: Worth the Investment?

Wondering how to get your shop ready for wholesale? "Sell Your Products to Retailers", Megan Auman's CreativeLive, advertises that it will help you understand the ins and outs of wholesale. So we asked jewelry designer and metalsmith Amanda Lockrow about her experience going through the CreativeLive.

Lisa Congdon's CreativeLive: Worth It for Makers?

Lisa Congdon's CreativeLive: Worth It for Makers?

Artist Lisa Congdon recently did a CreativeLive in support of her much-buzzed-about book Art, Inc. (Chronicle Books' "Inc." series is pretty awesome and I would encourage you to check out the whole series). In the Venn diagram of the worlds of art and maker, there is often much overlap, but there is also a lot of stuff that each don't do, care about or run into that the other does. We wanted to hear from a couple of our members who watched the live version of Lisa's to see if it would be worth it for makers. Thanks Jennifer and Maddie for your insight!