Optimize Your Online Store: A Review of Andreea Ayers' CreativeLive

It is no secret that we are big fans of CreativeLive over here. Their content is often rich and they assemble a wide variety of experts can blow your mind in several hours of class. But it can be hard to know exactly if a class speaks to makers without sitting through a whole day of video.

Never fear! We've got our people on it... learning like sponges so you know if you should plop down money for it. #ahasmember Jenet of FMD Jewelry watched Andreea Ayers' recent class Optimize Your Online Store. She gives you the scoop on the class below... Thanks Jenet!

Oh hey! That's #ahasmember Jenet.

Oh hey! That's #ahasmember Jenet.

Q: Introduce yourself and what you make.
A: Hi, I'm Jenét the sole Maker in Chief of FMD Jewelry. I make modern jewelry with a casual California vibe.

Q: How did you hear about this Creative Live? 
A: I'm on the CreativeLive email list. They have such great content for small business and creative business owners.

Q: What info is good for makers? 
A: This workshop is perfect for makers who want to open their own online shop and for those who already have an online shop and would like to make sure it's designed to engage the right people, i.e. people who will buy your stuff.

Q: What info seemed less geared toward makers? 
A: Honestly, it's all geared towards makers as it highlights the importance of having your own online presence outside of marketplaces such Etsy, Artfire, etc.

Q: What surprising information did you learn?  
One surprising bit of information was when Andreea outlined the Primary Purpose of your website. There were three elements and they aren't what you think.  You may instinctively think that sales is one of them but it isn't. All of the lessons and information is designed to get you to think from the outside in instead of the inside out, which I believe we solopreneurs tend to do. As Andreea points out, your website isn't about you.  It's about your customers/target audience.

Screenshot of Andreea Ayers leading her class Optimize Your Online Store

Screenshot of Andreea Ayers leading her class Optimize Your Online Store

Q: What was the most valuable piece of information?  
A: Oh my goodness, it's tough to single out one piece of information as the most valuable because its was cumulative. It all builds on itself and works together to help you build the best website you can for your brand. If pressed, I'd say, my top two take-ways were: One, you have to have your own website if you want to move away from hobby/side hustle mode. That way your store and your customers are YOURS. Two, if you do nothing else, build your email list.  These two things are how you're going to build your relationship with your customers.

Q: Do you think it's worth the price? 
A: YES!!!  It's most definitely worth the price. I did try to tune in for the free streaming but I had technical issues and missed most of it. I ended up buying the Optimize Your Online Store workshop and I'm so glad I did. It comes with on-demand video as well and a workbook and checklists. It's basically a step-by-step guide on how build a website that will attract your target audience.  Who couldn't use that?

FMD Jewelry by Jenet

FMD Jewelry by Jenet

Q: Where can people find your stuff? 
A: As luck would have it, I'm in the middle of whipping up my own online store. For now, you can find my jewelry atwww.madefreshly.fmdjewelry.com

Q: Anything else?
A: There are a lot videos for this workshop.  It was an all day event. Try not to be overwhelmed the heaps of information coming at you. There's a lot of it, that's true. But here's where your goal-setting and prioritizing skills get to shine. Little by little, bit by bit, you'll get it done and it will be glorious!

Did you watch this CreativeLive class? What did you think? What would you add?