graphic design

4 Tips for Working with a Graphic Designer for the First Time

4 Tips for Working with a Graphic Designer for the First Time

In a past life my job was to work alongside graphic designers to make sure they understood what the client wanted and the client understood what was realistic and possible. It gave me great insight into how designers think (I often say, "I speak graphic designer"). And it also allowed me to see how many people did not understand the role or abilities of designers. Which is why I am so glad designer April Matthews is sharing how to work with a graphic designer-- because it will save you time and money (I promise!)

Business Development and Planning for Makers

Business Development and Planning for Makers

We often talk about not relying on Etsy for everything here... and this lesson reaches beyond this. It's easy to put all our eggs into one basket, especially when that basket seems to be given so much to us and so easily! Today #ahasmembers Chris & Andy talk about how hiccups like this in their business have made them stronger. Plus they share ways to get "unstuck" in their business.

Selling Results Instead of Ideas with Jeff Daigle

Selling Results Instead of Ideas with Jeff Daigle

We have a strong commitment to creating a community FOR makers that also includes people who are their cheerleaders and support system. Today we have a member, Jeff Daigle, who helps members get their website act together-- including dreaded aspects of figuring out how to setup your own ecommerce. He shares how design thinking can be used in your business. Jeff has also been active in starting the seedlings of a community in Denver which will hopefully turn into a chapter soon. Thanks Jeff!

How to Give Your Business the Competitive Edge With Design

How to Give Your Business the Competitive Edge With Design

This week's post is a complement to the series we have been running with #ahasmember Handcrafted HoneyBee on their massive and intensive rebrand. The rebrand was more than just new graphics, but I think it's important to see how a designer enters into the picture. I am the first to raise my hand and say that I do not have the money for a designer to meet all of my design needs. 

BUT I know that having is important to nail the crucial things-- like your logo and packaging. And especially if you are doing a rebrand, a designer can help you sort your thoughts out more than you'd ever know. 

We asked Arianne of Aeolidia, the design firm that #ahasmember Handcrafted HoneyBee enlisted to do the graphics for their rebrand, to talk about why design is so important and what you need to know about doing your day-to-day design on your own!