problem solving

Walking Away from Unprofitable Projects

Walking Away from Unprofitable Projects

Running a business means you are a frequently making tough calls. We are constantly trying to balance what we love with making money, improving skills and doing it all in a way that doesn't make us want to tear our hair out! Recently, metalsmith and #ahasmember Rebecca Holt came to the conclusion that what seemed like a fun project was actually a time-consuming money loss when she did the numbers. Read on for her lightbulb moments!

Facing Unexpected Challenges with Michelle of Four Letter Word Cards

Facing Unexpected Challenges with Michelle of Four Letter Word Cards

Next month we will be holding a six-day online summit called The State of Making. As part of this online webinar series we will be exploring how the year has impacted makers and what they can do to prepare for the holidays and beyond. Interested? You can sign up here to be alerted about all the details

Today's post is from one of our summit speakers and #ashasmember Michelle of Four Letter Word Cards. Her year had some, um, unexpected challenges in it to put it mildly.