
Walking Away from Unprofitable Projects

Walking Away from Unprofitable Projects

Running a business means you are a frequently making tough calls. We are constantly trying to balance what we love with making money, improving skills and doing it all in a way that doesn't make us want to tear our hair out! Recently, metalsmith and #ahasmember Rebecca Holt came to the conclusion that what seemed like a fun project was actually a time-consuming money loss when she did the numbers. Read on for her lightbulb moments!

Recovering & Restructuring after Burnout: Tashah from Candlessentials

Recovering & Restructuring after Burnout: Tashah from Candlessentials

Ever faced burnout? Today Tashah Johnson, the owner of Candlessentials, walks us through her experience with reaching burnout and how she finally let go of the toxic “Because I CAN do it all, I SHOULD be doing it all" mindset. Tashah shared with me how she took her health back and helped her business grow along the way.