

When making resolutions in the new year, I used to arbitrarily and somewhat wistfully make my resolutions. It was often based on some kind of nostalgia for what I used to be (10 pounds lighter!) or what I thought I *should* be.

Like so many people, I was letting the past and arbitrary expectations dictate my goals. They weren’t bad per se, but they weren’t based on the realities of my current life and the path I wanted to take to make improvements.

Owning my own business has given me a bit more clarity into my resolutions. It’s grounded me in reality a bit more. Instead of letting whims, wishes and external comparisons guide my goals for the year, I now think: Where do I want to be at the end of this year? Then I work backwards.

I know that asking “Where do I want to be at the end of this year” seems arbitrary and that it even could become wishful thinking. However, I find that when I have to ask myself this question it is actually quite grounding. I have to create a picture of the end. Of all of the achievement. And even qualifying it with “by the end of this year” gives me the “T” in SMART goals already (time bound).

Starting with the end and working backwards is the best way to set goals. It makes things feel less overwhelming and also helps you evaluate if you are playing too small (or might be biting off more than you can chew).

On the podcast Isaac discusses the idea about looking at the end with two makers: Holly Marsh of Marshmueller and Melissa Wert of Print Therapy. Both work toward their goals in different ways and have also changed course along the way. I think you will enjoy it if you haven't already listened.

I'd challenge you to think about how you can apply this in your own business. 

Some questions to think about:
#1: Are your goals related DIRECTLY to getting you to where you want to end up?
#2: Have you tied your goals to a timeline and realistic action items?
#3: Have you made goals a priority or have you made busy work?



Getting Clear on What You Want Out of Your Handmade Business

Getting Clear on What You Want Out of Your Handmade Business

One of the things we've noticed in talking with thousands of makers about their businesses, is that frustrations often come when makers don't have a clear idea about what they want out of their business. They think they see a business on Instagram or see them on store shelves and think "Yes, I want that!" But the realities of that are much different than they realize. 

We talk with three makers about how they adjusted expectations and had mindset shifts that helped them grow their businesses.

The 3 Types of Maker Business Failure (with One You're Already a Pro at Overcoming)

The 3 Types of Maker Business Failure (with One You're Already a Pro at Overcoming)

One of the hardest things about running your own business is having to deal with failure. It’s isolating and extremely discouraging-- which can create a downward spiral if we’re not careful.

We talk about the three ways I think makers and other creative businesses typically fail-- with two of them stinging the most and one of them that most makers deal with pretty well. Once we know what kind of failure we are experiencing, we can better make a plan to move on (I’m not saying it will be easy, but I’m saying we can!).

Escaping the Hobby Business Mindset with Meg of Bumblewood Soaps

Escaping the Hobby Business Mindset with Meg of Bumblewood Soaps

Because our jobs are born out of passion and things we love doing without getting paid, the hobbyiest (or jobbyiest-- you are getting money but you aren't really *making* money for your business) is almost built in to our business. Which is why at some point, most of realize "Hey! That's not how a BUSINESS would do that" and have to course correct in some way.

I'm excited to share with you #ahasmember Meg of Bumblewood Soaps who had a very enlightening experience about what she REALLY thought about her business. Read on to find out how she corrected this.

Kerry Burki: Creative Rejuvenation for Makers

Kerry Burki: Creative Rejuvenation for Makers

If you're like me, you are still recovering from the holidays a bit. That's why I am so excited to have the lovely Kerry Burki on the blog today. After working with makers on business, she's transitioned into focusing on how to help creatives through mindfulness and relaxation. I can think of no better time of year to start making changes through this.