
Wholesale for the First Time!

Wholesale for the First Time!

Wholesale is a big leap in business for many makers. It can signify the feeling of going "big." So, we thought we'd ask artist and #ahasmember Susan Elliot of Neptune Creations about her experience of stepping into the world of wholesale for the first time.

Tara Swiger: The Customer Path

Tara Swiger: The Customer Path

My mind was blown by Tara Swiger back in October when I attended Schoolhouse Craft in Seattle. She laid out what you need to create a customer path-- a way to figure out what activities you do that will make your customer buy. The systematic approach made an otherwise overwhelming and guess-filled process one you could confidently perform over and over again. When I found out she was going to be in San Diego in January I was thrilled she agreed to do the same workshop with us. If you are in the San Diego area I HIGHLY recommend you sign up for this now!

Perspectives on Different Selling Platforms: Square, Aftcra and Made Freshly

Perspectives on Different Selling Platforms: Square, Aftcra and Made Freshly

This year our awards show featured three awesome sponsors that all have selling platforms that are tailored for small, creative businesses. We thought you might find it useful to get to know what actually sellers think about these options and what their experiences have been like selling on them. 

Behind the Scenes of Wholesale: A 360 perspective

Behind the Scenes of Wholesale: A 360 perspective

In almost every conversation I've ever had with a maker about building their business the topic of wholesale inevitably comes up. Even the most seasoned professional maker will still have lots of questions or remain confused on aspects of wholesale. To enlighten us a bit, we talked member Charlie Wright who has the unique situation of having been in three major roles of the wholesale process.