Get Your Wholesale in Order with Katie Hunt and CreativeLive (plus a giveaway!)

One of the things I really see transform a maker business from jobby to something really sustainable is when a maker goes into wholesale. The bummer is wholesale can be kind of tricky to figure out and if you aren't in the know on some things it can actually wind up costing you money.

I've long been been referring our members and other makers who are stationers to #ahasmember Katie Hunt of Tradeshow Bootcamp for the lowdown on wholesale. She runs Paper Camp and if you are ever wanting to show at NSS (National Stationery Show), Paper Camp is a must.

I'm excited that this week, Katie is doing wholesale series with our Awards sponsor CreativeLiveNot only do I know that Katie is quality, but CreativeLive produces some of the best creative entrepreneur courses out there.

Katie's Wholesaling for Makers series kicks off this Thursday, February 11 at 9am and you can watch live-- for free (amazing, I know! But after it's live you've got to pay for access, which you can then have FOR-EVER) and ends the next day. She will cover catalogs and line sheets, pricing, hiring a sales rep and more!

Okay, so here is where good becomes great. CreativeLive has offered to give away a bundle to one lucky subscriber to our newsletter!

  1. Maker sure you RSVP to Katie's CreativeLive classes so you get the RSVP bonus materials AND so you'll be notified when the class starts.
  2. Sign up for the Academy of Handmade newsletter below* and be entered to win ALL of Katie's Wholesaling for Makers series. That's all four of the classes she'll be teaching ready for you to access any time you want 24/7 on the CreativeLive website.
  3. Enter by 3:00pm PST on Wednesday, February 10. Entries received after this time will not be included in the drawing.

*If you're already on our newsletter, go ahead an sign up again since we will only be using this list here to draw the winner!

Good Luck!