
Housewarming: Launching the New Site

Housewarming: Launching the New Site

We are wrapping up this rebrand series with #ahasmembers Handcrafted HoneyBee (next week is part 10 then the epilogue the week after!) and if you've been following it at all, you'll know that the struggles and decisions they face in their rebrand are ones every handmade and small business faces whether they are new or rebranding after years of work.

If a Brand Falls in the Forest: Content Marketing the “Launch”

If a Brand Falls in the Forest: Content Marketing the “Launch”

We are winding down the rebrand series of #ahasmember Handcrafted HoneyBee. Once again, we welcome Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee to the blog. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. Here is Part 7, as told by Robert.

You can read:
the prologue here
Part 1 (where they talk about their need to change) here
Part 2 (why it takes awhile to get a rebrand right)
Part 3 (what it's like finding a designer)
Part 4 (creating compelling content)
Part 5: (creating and using your brand guide)
Part 6: (creating compelling packaging)
AND read their designer's advice on getting better with graphic design here

How Content Can Transform Your Business

How Content Can Transform Your Business

Please give a warm welcome to Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. Here is Part 4, as told by Robert Guzzo, Co-Founder of Handcrafted HoneyBee.

You can read:
prologue here
Part 1 (where they talk about their need to change) here
Part 2 (why it takes awhile to get a rebrand right)
Part 3 (what it's like finding a designer)
AND read their designer's advice on getting better with graphic design here

Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Finding the Designer

Matchmaker, Matchmaker: Finding the Designer

Please give a warm welcome to Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. Here is Part 3, as told by Robert Guzzo, Co-Founder of Handcrafted HoneyBee.


It Takes Longer than You'd Think: Getting a Rebrand Right

It Takes Longer than You'd Think: Getting a Rebrand Right

Please give a warm welcome to Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. Here is Part 2, as told by Robert Guzzo, Co-Founder of Handcrafted HoneyBee.

But Baby, I Can Change: Why Rebrand?

But Baby, I Can Change: Why Rebrand?

Please give a warm welcome to Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. Robert and Stacia address issues like maker burnout, incorrect customer targeting, and the process of finding that sweet spot where a company's mission and its ideal customers collide. 

It's Not You, It's Me...No, It's Actually You: A Window into One Business' Rebrand Story

It's Not You, It's Me...No, It's Actually You: A Window into One Business' Rebrand Story

Please give a warm welcome to Robert and Stacia Guzzo, founders of Handcrafted HoneyBee. This energetic #ahasmember business team has generously offered to share their recent, dramatic rebranding journey with our community. 

Robert and Stacia address issues like maker burnout, incorrect customer targeting, and the process of finding that sweet spot where a company's mission and its ideal customers collide.
Enjoy, and share your questions and comments below!